Bahamut, Earth Angel, ff10, ff12, ff13, ff7, ff9, Final Fantasy, God Slayer, Nanaki, plot, Princess Mononoke, Seto, soundtrack, storytelling, Yuna
A while ago I wrote a blog post on Princess Mononoke – a strong influence on my WIP God Slayer. Read it here. Today’s post is about my biggest inspiration on story telling.
I was transferring music from my old desktop to my laptop and found some music tracks from the computer game Final Fantasy VII. While I listened to them it brought back a whole world of memories and emotions. Final Fantasy was my early inspiration. The amount of hours I spent on those games as a kid is shocking, but I don’t believe it was a waste.
Final Fantasy VII was the first one I played and will always be my favourite. For me it was always more than a game. I was absorbed into the lives of the characters. They were people I admired but most of all they were people. They told lies, kept secrets, had regrets, had loved and lost and did so throughout the game. The twists and turns in the story made me laugh and cry, shocked me and excited me. The same went for FF IX and X (I never played VIII).
The Final Fantasy series was my early inspiration for storytelling. Some of my monsters and characters were originally modelled on those from the franchise.
It wasn’t always the best model for plot, as random things happened purely for the gameplay. But I love the imagination, the characters, the sheer scale and vastness of the world and epicenes of the story and scenes. I will always love those games and for me, the modern FF games (I’m looking at you XII and XIII) will never be a patch on the old ones.
One track, a minute and a half long brought back the memories of the characters story. I hope I never forget.
What were your early inspirations?
I’ve only really played FF X and X-2. I have XII but didn’t get overly far in it. The music of X and X-2 is fantastic though, with certain tracks making me cry like a baby! I agree that the storytelling was brilliant and some of the scenes were outstanding. I’m thinking specifically of the one with Yuna and Tidus in the lake with the fireflies. Gorgeous.
I absolutely love ff10 and some of the tracks. I remember crying like a baby when Tidus found out that Yuna would die. 10 had my favourite game play as well, I loved that you could use all the characters in a fight. I found 10-2 a bit naf and I never finished 12, I just lost interest! 10 was my main inspiration for Earth Angel. I love the art and detail of the designs.
Another Girl that plays video games. I am not alone! Mass Effect got to me the way FF series did. It does eat time though. Shiva was always my favourite god.
I’ve never played Mass Effect before. My big brother was a big influence on the games I played, I don’t think I would have ever picked up ff on my own!